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Traveler 10x25 pocket mini portable HD binoculars

Traveler 10x25 pocket mini portable HD binoculars

The lightweight and sophisticated Traveler is perfect for the whole family. Whether you want to observe nature with your kids on vacation or take your binoculars to a concert or hiking, the Traveler is always the right choice. The Traveler is not only an ideal companion for adults, it is also a good size for children. The Traveler binoculars pack powerful features into a small, compact and portable product.
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Products Description

A loyal partner of nature observers

The lightweight and sophisticated Traveler is perfect for the whole family. Whether you want to observe nature with your kids on vacation or take your binoculars to a concert or hiking, the Traveler is always the right choice. The Traveler is not only an ideal companion for adults, it is also a good size for children. The Traveler binoculars pack powerful features into a small, compact and portable product.

Product features:

Fully coated BAK-4, clear imaging, bright colors

Portable, exquisite, ideal companion for field observers, protection level IP67

The mirror body is simple and stylish, the best choice for friends as gifts

Application areas:

Outdoor travel, field adventure, sports events, concerts, power safety inspections, forestry surveys, security police, military inspections, industrial inspections, maritime observations, archaeological research, railway line selection, land and resources surveys, etc.

Technical parameter

Produkt modell Onick Reisende 10x25
multiple 10x
Okular Durchmesser 18mm
Objektiver Durchmesser 25mm
Prismen material BAK4
Horizon Kilometer 91m/1000m
Fokussierung system Mittlere Fokussierung
Okular 4E3G
Objektive Linse 3E2G
Verlassen Sie Schüler durchmesser 2.5mm
Verlassen Sie Schüler Entfernung 15mm
Feld Engel 5.2°
Minimaler Fokus abstand 5 m/16.4ft
Relative Helligkeit 6.25
Dämmerungs index 15.8
Auflösung 6.5″
Bereich der Pupillen entfernungs einstellung 58,7-74mm
Sichtweite ± 5D BIS + 5 DIOPTER
Optische Linse ED-Linse
Licht durchlässigkeit 69%
Oberflächen schild PVC
Wasserdichte Qualität IP67
Augenbinde struktur Nach oben drehen
product size 118x120x43mm
Nettogewicht 362g
Pack liste Fernglas, tragbare Tasche, USB-Ladekabel, Glas reinigungs tuch, Handbuch, Produkt handbuch Garantie karte, Farbbox

Traveler 10x25 pocket mini portable HD binoculars

Traveler 10x25 pocket mini portable HD binoculars

Traveler 10x25 pocket mini portable HD binoculars

Traveler 10x25 pocket mini portable HD binoculars

Traveler 10x25 pocket mini portable HD binoculars

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Tags: Military grade Monocular Military binoculars Handheld HD binoculars bird watching binoculars outdoor travel binoculars student binoculars infrared binoculars single binoculars thermal binoculars handheld Telescope Binoculars

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